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Life in the Park

The Team of agronomists, gardeners, tree climbers, today has been enriched by the figures of Dr Ambrogio Cantù, and Dr. Gianantonio Zanoni who have brought technological innovation, ancient wisdom, observation skills and the will to pass on the heritage to the next generations arboreal and monumental we have received.

At the Castle of Gropparello we are giving birth to a census, monitoring and care project to maintain the rose gardens and the wood that has welcomed the children's emotions….. 
Because we discovered a very important aspect:

we  are artisans of dreams and creators of memories!!!


A new course...

Today we inaugurated a new piece of our life experience at the castle. The forest is a living ecosystem, inhabited by incredibly fascinating individuals: plants. The tree doctor came to visit a historic oak tree, which we are very fond of. The plant was attacked by a wood-eating fungus, and sadly we didn't have the knowledge to understand the danger. We always believe that nature is all a bit the same… A large cauldron in which everything takes its course, and everything is simple, banal. A mushroom is a mushroom, at best it makes us think of gnomes, smurfs and magical concoctions. Instead everything is much more complex and subtle, and we need to learn to think like the ecosystem!

Knowing the perspective of the plant is intriguing and fantastic. The plant will try to defend itself by secreting tannins to block the fungus. The mushroom can detach, die or reform… The key is to observe!

These examinations and investigations have shown which part of the supporting structure is damaged, and will give us the necessary indications to put the plant at ease. We'll figure out how to guide her to help contain the damage, but she was good, because she blocked the problem by isolating it.

We thank Doctor Cantù, expert and passionate, who investigated the tree and allowed us to get to know the world in which we live more deeply.

We thank all those who take care of this little enchanted world every day, with love and constancy.

We thank our passionate tourists who always bring advice, experience, skills and enrich us with contacts and knowledge.

Living in a castle also means this! Putting all things in relation to each other, welcoming, hosting, telling and being told! So the world can walk and evolve. This is a very heavy commitment, for which we seek support.

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