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Suggestions from Italy

the Wunderkammer Artificialia of Rome

A collaboration is born between Castello di Gropparello and Marco Lo Muscio's WunderKammer.

Marco Lo Muscio's WunderKammer

Entering the House-Museum of Maestro Lo Muscio is like visiting the Coppedè neighborhood in Rome: a unique place (with many symbols in common) that opens a door onto another dimension... that of culture, art, alchemy and great music! Open the Chronicles of Narnia wardrobe and let yourself be catapulted into a magical place! The neo-Gothic style of the great French architect Eugène Viollet-le-Duc (whose original drawing is present in the collection) can be felt in all the rooms of the museum.

INFO & BOOKING : 349 4030660 ( anche whatsapp)

born from an idea by Marco Lo Muscio, composer, pianist, organist and collaborator of Steve Hackett of Genesis, the Museum combines a visit to the art collection in the Chamber of Wonders style with a concert of various genres: from Renaissance to Progressive rock .

(Claudia Giraud Artribune 21|5|2021)

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